Leap into Amateur Radio?
The Amateur Radio service frequency bands are the place in the usable spectrum where you can as an individual can develop and experiment with wireless communications. Hams not only can make and modify their own equipment but can create whole new ways to do things. This Unique mix of fun, public service, and convenience is the distinguishing characteristic of Amateur Radio. Although “Hams” get involved in the hobby for many reasons, they all have in common a curiosity to see how they can say “Hello” to other people over the airways. Amateur Radio is the last place where an average person can, using just his or her own gear, talk freely across town or around the world to others.
There are three levels of Amateur Radio licenses, technician, general, and extra and getting your first one is not that hard. Many pass their FCC exam in a week of spare time study and there are lots of clubs and Hams that will help you.
Simple started, Ham radio provides the broadest and most powerful wireless communications capability available to any private citizen anywhere in the world!